Maintaining and gaining flexibility decreases risk of injury from sports or basic activities in life. (Even something as simple as picking up our children). Keep in mind that it does not mean you cannot get injured. Things like proper form and speed and stability also plays a big roll.Benefits of flexibility trainingWhen joints are not moved through a...Read More
Keeping dairy with this accountability vlog. These videos are about my weight loss journey. Here you can see my transformation as it happens. I hope my story can be a weight loss motivation for everyone. And May be they can help you become healthy and change your lifestyle.Let’s get healthy and active lifestyles.Accountability plays a...Read More
I have set the goal to do 100 deadlifts at my body weight. At the time of doing this video, my body weight was 96kg (211.64 lbs)Note: Since posting this youtube has erased all my videos and I have no idea why So sorry no videoThis video was actually done at 65kg. I found out...Read More