We help people be healthier and happier minds, body and souls.
By delivering services and products that deliver on their promises and by giving our customers knowledge, encouragement, and respect.
With a supportive coach that cares and communicates.
Who aims to learn, teach and grow, to innovate and excel.
We aim to be an agent of change in our community.
Motivation – To be a pillar for our clients and followers, to start on their journey or to just keep pushing through with whatever part of their life journey they are on. To encourage and help wherever we can.
Health – To educate and reprogram mind, body and soul. Your life does not only consist of one aspect but so many little things. We tend to only think of health as eating right and being healthy. MOHFIT believes in balance. Yes, medical health as well as mental health and feeding your soul, is all part of being healthy and happy.
Fitness – 80% nutrition 20% active and 100% attitude.
we aim to make fitness a fun and essential part of any ones lifestyle, we try and cater with a variety of ways to become and stay healthy.
To create a brand and place where people can feel safe to work on themselves and know that we have their best intrest in mind. Using methods and products to help with health and wealth as need be. To educate and support and reprogram the bad programming and to bust the myths that has been keeping people from becoming the true selves they where born to be.
Anyone can be a Warrior, from a child to our elderly. Since the team is always expanding we try and cater to all needs. We focus on a generation that was brainwashed to look like a celebrity in the magazines or that no matter what you do you are never good enough. Each aspect of Mohfit warriors is intended so you will have a space to fit in. Whether it is recreational as with some of our box goodies or becoming healthy and fit with our clubs or just wanting to speak to someone in our support group.
Book/ order or chat to us via WhatsApp